Six Individuals Nominated by President Joe Biden Appointed to the TVA Board of Directors

On Wednesday, the Tennessee Valley Authority announced the appointments of six new members to serve on its Board of Directors.

TVA appointed the following members to serve on its Board of Directors this week:

  • Beth Geer of Brentwood, Tennessee
  • Bobby Klein of Chattanooga, Tennessee
  • Michelle Moore of Midlothian, Virginia
  • Bill Renick of Ashland, Mississippi
  • Joe Ritch of Huntsville, Alabama
  • Wade White of Eddyville, Kentucky

All six new board members were nominated by President Joe Biden and had their nominations confirmed by the U.S. Senate. TVA board members serve a term of five years.

“We are delighted to have Beth, Bobby, Michelle, Bill, Joe, and Wade join the TVA team during this challenging but exciting period,” TVA Board Chair Bill Kilbride said in a statement. “They each bring diverse perspectives and experience to the Board that will help guide TVA as it plans for the future while entering its 90th year of service to the region.”

Two out of the six recently-appointed board members have served roles in past democrat presidential administrations.

Beth Geer, according to TVA, currently serves as the chief of staff to former Vice President Al Gore and has a history of serving in roles in the Clinton-Gore White House, the U.S. Department of Labor, and the U.S. Senate. TVA describes Geer as having “an extensive policy experience in climate change and environmental justice.”

Also with a history of serving in a democrat presidential administration is Michelle Moore, who “worked to connect clean energy with affordability and quality of life for more than 25 years, including leading federal sustainability and infrastructure project delivery for the Obama White House,” according to TVA.

The change to TVA’s Board of Directors comes less than two weeks after the company issued rolling blackout mandates during Christmas weekend for 153 local power companies in response to cold temperatures driving up the power demand.

Following the terminations of the rolling blackout mandates, TVA announced that it had set “multiple power demand records” during the “extreme weather event,” as previously reported by The Tennessee Star.

As a result, TVA recently announced that a “thorough review” is in place of the events leading up to its rolling blackout mandates.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.


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13 Thoughts to “Six Individuals Nominated by President Joe Biden Appointed to the TVA Board of Directors”

  1. WW in TN

    do any of them have a degree in Engineering ?

  2. Tom Richardson

    So let’s add more “climate change/global warming/global cooling” idiots to a board that already screwed the pooch over Christmas. Ask Texas how that’s been working out for them – especially last Summer….

  3. Walter

    If this shitforbrains commiejoe nominated these losers we are screwed

    1. Charles clark

      I concur…

  4. Jay

    And where is our republican gov and legislature?

  5. Jay

    Bet the power to the Gore mansion doesn’t get cut.

  6. Sally Hardy

    What could possibly go wrong when climate change warriors who are frequent flyers of the “progressive” party to the likes of jojo, al, Obama and the party that I’m has ruined everything they touch for decades. They will be busy on day one already having their marching orders. The damage and pain they will cause I’m 5 years will put TVA back years. If jojo weren’t so down on coal we likely wouldn’t have seen any problems.

  7. Dwayne Oxford

    Sounds ominous.

  8. Doc Ferri

    so I guess with these 6 justice climate activist we will experience more rolling blacks outs. Remember during the rolling black outs we were told not to use, our washing machines, clothes driers or ovens, but not a freaking work about charging EV’s. Rules for thee but not for me.

  9. LM

    Get ready for no electricity in July and August.

  10. Steve Allen

    So the plot thickens.” A thorough review is underway”….right, nothing brings out the truth like the wrong doers investigating themselves. This is like the democrats investigating the massive cheating in the last two national elections.

  11. Randy

    More failed energy policy from Sniffy Joe..

    1. Joe Blow

      Randy – You got that right. These folks should be getting a little smelly from getting politically recycled so much. And, of course, they all buy into the green new deal garbage. Watch our energy prices continue to rise and to become less and less reliable.
